About Solo Water
Solo Water is a water utility, and waste water treatment company, created to focus on services in the water industry while utilising the capabilities of Solo Resource Recovery and their 83 years working with liquid waste disposal, and business waste disposal solutions, right across Australia in locations such as Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Tweed Heads, Adelaide, Perth, the Gold Coast, and more.
Solo Water is wholly Australian owned and operated company that utilises the latest technology to provide a sustainable solution to the nation’s water industry. Solo Water is able to reduce the burden on our country’s precious water resources by recycling water to the highest standard.
This, in turn, benefits the customer through lower water costs and helps preserve the environment for future generations. The efficient use of water resources means less restrictions will be placed on the residents in the future should we have to begin rationing our water usage once more
Solo Water operates under an Integrated Management System that is Externally Certified under the International Organisation for Standardisation requirements by TQCS International under the Governance and Accreditation of JAS-ANZ. What this means is that further to the standard required Industry Based Certifications and Accreditations, our business provides the highest level of standards in relation to Quality Management ISO: 9001-2015 and Environmental Management ISO:14001-2015. This is an achievement in which we take great pride and a guarantee that not many of our competitors can offer.